
about services contact


LexCorp is a boutique legal and strategy advisory firm with a focus on discretely serving clients' interests and needs first.

We believe in commitment, focus and direct contacts with our clients. Together with our clients, we get to the core of the matter and focus on achieving a set result. We do this by combining our expertise, years of experience and professionalism with a discrete and efficient approach.


LexCorp assists companies with most issues relating to internet intermediary liability, content laws, telecommunications law and KYC procedures. We provide legal guidance in handling Notice and Takedown procedures, warrants for customer data and other gouvernment or court issues documents.

We keep clients abreast of new EU legislation that will impact them. We work with clients to adapt their business to be compliant. We speak: "E-Commerce Directive, Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, Terrorist Content Online, Роскомнадзор (Roskomnadzor) and more".

As we have more than a two decades experience in discretely dealing with these issues we can state:

"we solve problems"


Please email intake@lexcorp.nl when you have a matter to resolve.